技击是太极拳作为一个拳种最基本的组 成成分。但多年来并不为人熟知。“太极拳有无 真功扩一直是存于许多人头脑中的疑问。笔 者自幼随祖父杨禹廷习练太极拳,至今30余 载,对太极拳拳法之精妙体会颇深。以愚管见, 太极拳技击之妙,在于对人体平衡原理的谙熟 与运用。 人之
Martial arts is the most basic form of Tai Chi as a boxing component. But it’s not well known over the years. "There is no doubt that there are doubts about the existence of Taijiquan in real life. The author studied Taiji with his grandfather Yang Yuting since his childhood, and has more than 30 years of experience. The magic of the trick is to understand and apply the principles of human balance