长期以来,QT 间期延长一直被认为是奎尼丁所致尖端扭转型室速(TDP)的危险信号,但与此同时还存在另一种征兆性心电图改变:早搏后第一个窦性心搏的 T 波显著增高增宽(从而使这一 QT 间期更加延长),而正是发生在这一 T 波波峰上的室早触发了尖端扭转型室速的发作。兹报道1例如下。患者女性,45岁,因风湿性心脏病、二尖瓣狭窄伴心房颤动、心力衰竭入院。经治疗心衰改善后,
For a long time, the QT prolongation has long been considered a danger sign of quinidine-induced TDP. However, at the same time, there is another kind of evolving ECG changes: the first sinus beats after premature beats The T wave increases significantly (and thus prolongs this QT interval), and it is the premature ventricular tachycardia that triggers the onset of torsades de pointes in this T-wave peak. It is reported one case below. Female, 45 years old, hospitalized for rheumatic heart disease, mitral stenosis with atrial fibrillation, and heart failure. After treatment of heart failure to improve,