In recent years, some researchers have tried to find immunosuppressive drugs from the metabolites of microorganisms for a long time, but promising signs have emerged such as the cyclosporin extracted from the polysaccharomyces cerevisiae by the Swiss mountain prodigal company , Japan Toyo fermentation Co., Ltd. extracted Bredinin from the broth of Penicillium sp., Pasteur Institute of France isolated Cyclomunine from Fusarium equiseti. In experimental studies, they all have good immunosuppressive effects, which can prolong the survival time of transplanted organs. The first two have been in clinical trials and have a certain effect. Because of the wide variety of microorganisms and their metabolites, finding immunosuppressants from microbial metabolites may be a promising approach. Some domestic units are ready to carry out research in this area. This article only gives a brief introduction of Bredinin’s research work.