目的使用综合分析法对某医院各临床科室的病案质量及其管理水平进行多维度全方位评价。方法首先使用TOPSIS方法,对医院各临床科室的病案管理水平进行分析和排序,再通过RSR法对评价对象按照优劣水平进行分类和归档。分析软件包括Excel2007和SPSS16.0。结果 TOPSIS分析可将各科室按Ci大小进行优劣排序,结果显示产一、产三和新生儿的病案质量管理水平排名前三;秩和比分析可将20个临床科室的病案质量及其管理水平按优劣程度分为4档,其中最优档包括产一、产三、新生儿和ICU。结论 Topsis法可以对评价对象进行排序,在此基础上使用RSR法可以对评价对象按照优劣进行归档分组,二者结合使用可以为病案质控与考核提供依据。
Objective To use comprehensive analysis method to conduct multidimensional and comprehensive evaluation of the medical record quality and management level of various clinical departments in a hospital. Methods Firstly, TOPSIS method was used to analyze and rank the medical records management level in all clinical departments of the hospital, and then the RSR method was used to classify and archive the evaluation objects according to their quality level. Analysis software includes Excel2007 and SPSS16.0. Results TOPSIS analysis of various departments according to Ci size of the merits and demerits, the results show that one, three and neonatal medical records quality management rankings in the top three; Rank sum ratio analysis of 20 clinical departments of the medical record quality and management Level according to the level of merits is divided into 4 files, including the best file including production, birth three, newborn and ICU. Conclusion The Topsis method can rank the evaluation objects. Based on this, the RSR method can be used to classify the evaluation objects according to their advantages and disadvantages. The combination of the two can provide the basis for the quality control and assessment of medical records.