三峡工程决策始末 三峡大坝谁拍的板

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7月20日上午8时,每秒7万立方米流量的洪峰开始经过三峡大坝。这是三峡工程自建库以来经受的最大洪峰。高峡已出平湖,神女能否无恙?一时间,三峡吸引了全国的目光。目前洪峰已经顺利通过库区,事实证明这样的洪峰不足以考验三峡。这个耗资1800亿的“巨无霸”工程充分向世人展示了其巨大的削峰蓄洪能力,但与此同肘,三峡在此期间泄洪也引发了“以下游为壑”的争议。我们曾经以为有了三峡就可以“一劳永逸”地对付水患,现在看来,这样的想法未免过于天真。在过去的7年间,国内权威媒体对三峡抵御洪灾的能力,分别有过“万年一遇”“千年一遇”“百年一遇”三种自相矛盾的说法,排在三峡水库各项功能之首的防洪功能,不断被一些民间人士所质疑。 At 8:00 a.m. on July 20, the flood peak of 70,000 cubic meters per second flowed through the Three Gorges Dam. This is the biggest flood peak the Three Gorges Project has experienced since its establishment. High Gap has been a flat lake, goddess can be intact? For a time, the Three Gorges has attracted national attention. At present, the flood peak has passed smoothly through the reservoir area. Facts have proved that such a flood peak is not enough to test the Three Gorges. This $ 180 billion “giant” project fully demonstrated its tremendous peak-load-storage capacity, but at the same time, the Three Gorges flood discharge during this period also triggered the controversy . We used to think that with the Three Gorges we can deal with flooding once and for all, and it seems to me that such an idea is too naive. In the past seven years, the authoritative media outlets of China have respectively contradicted three kinds of paradoxes: “once in a thousand years”, “once in a thousand years”, “once in a hundred years” Flood control function of the first of various functions of the Three Gorges Reservoir has been questioned by some private individuals.
Neutral fragments of methane were performed using femetosecond laser at an intensity of 1013-14W/cm2. A new mechanism of neutral dissociation is proposed in thi
<正> 延长滑动轴承的使用寿命、减少运转中能量的损耗,其措施之一是改进润滑材料,进而改变轴承表面的工作性能。经实验得知,由 CuPb30铝青铜、45号钢、35HM(镍钼)钢以及Zl25