古往今来,不知有多少人赞颂过烟波浩淼的洪泽湖,有人把它比作“日出斗金”的宝湖,也有人赋诗:“万顷烟波洪泽湖,天然水库富粮鱼。历朝治理相沿袭,今日辉煌更独殊。”还有歌谣:“洪泽湖哟大财神,水下藏金上漂银,懒汉分文拿不来,勤劳能取一斗金。”固然,美丽富饶的洪泽湖是值得人们赞叹的。然我觉得,洪泽湖大堤,也值得人们赞美。 大湖东岸的长堤,俯瞰如斑驳的飘带,近看却有万里长城的雄姿。湖堤北起江苏省淮阴县码头镇,南至洪泽县蒋
Throughout the ages, I do not know how many people praise the vast Hongze Lake, some people like it than the “Sunrise bucket gold” Baohu, also some people poem: “Wan hesitation waves Hongze Lake, natural reservoir rich grain fish. Phase lineage, today’s glory is more unique. ”There are songs:“ Hongze Lake yo big Fortuna, underwater silver on the drift of silver, lazy Han Wen can not come, hard-working to take a bucket of gold. ”Of course, the beautiful and rich Hong Ze Lake is worth praising. However, I think Hongze Lake embankment also deserves praise. Long Beach on the east bank of the Great Lakes, overlooking the mottled streamers, but near the magnificent Great Wall. Lake embankment north of Huaiyin County, Jiangsu Province, Pier Town, south of Hongze Jiang