【摘 要】
The cross-section and surface structures of wing membranes from the ctenochasmatid pterosaur Beipiaopterus chenianus were observed through a scanning electron m
【机 构】
Hokkaido University Museum Hokkaido University N10 W8 Kita Ku Sapporo Hokkaido 060-0810 Japan,
【出 处】
Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)
The cross-section and surface structures of wing membranes from the ctenochasmatid pterosaur Beipiaopterus chenianus were observed through a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that the wing membrane contains a high density of blood vessels, implying strong thermoregulatory function, similar to that of a bat wing membrane. This is the first comparison of the microstructures of pterosaur wing membranes with those of the modern bat. It is inferred that a bat-like physiology exists, at least in relatively small pterosaurs suggesting that these pterosaurs were warm-blooded, active fliers.
The results of the wing membrane containing a high density of blood vessels, implying strong thermoregulatory function, similar to that of a bat wing membrane. This is the first comparison of the microstructures of pterosaur wing membranes with those of the modern bat. It is inferred that a bat-like physiology exists, at least in relatively small pterosaurs suggesting that these pterosaurs were warm-blooded active fliers.
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