In recent decades, the world’s major steel-producing countries have generally adopted two methods when developing their own steel industry: one is the massive construction of new plants, as was the case with the post-war Japanese steel industry. The other is the transformation of old factories. After the Second World War, the United States, the Soviet Union, and Western Europe, in the development of the iron and steel industry, invested most of their investment in the transformation of old plants, expansion, and fewer new plants. According to statistics, the annual investment in transformation and expansion of old factories used by the Soviet Union accounts for about 70% of the total investment in the iron and steel industry. The United States used 70-80% of the total investment in the iron and steel industry in the 1960s and 1970s to transform old companies. During the period from 20 to 25 years after the war, the steel production capacity of the United States has increased from 100 million tons to 160 million tons, of which only two new large steel complexes have been established.