CES 2016 Brings the Future of Technology Innovation to Market

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  CES, the world’s largest annual consumer technology trade show, was officially opened on 5 January, at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, the U.S., featuring 3,600 exhibitors showing off their latest products and services to more than 150,000 attendees.
  CES is the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technology. It has served as the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies for almost 50 years—the global stage where nextgeneration innovations are introduced to the marketplace. As the largest hands-on event of its kind, CES features all aspects of the industry. And because it is owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)TM –formerly the Consumer Electronics Association(CEA)? – the technology trade association representing the $287 billion U.S. consumer technology industry, it attracts the world’s business leaders and pioneering thinkers to a forum where the industry’s most relevant issues are addressed.
  The latest game-changing innovations revolutionizing our world took center stage on opening day of CES? 2016. More than 3,600 exhibitors unveiling new products on the largest show floor in CES history – spanning more than 2.4 million NSF – and keynotes from the leaders of Netflix, GM and IBM kicked off the world’s largest innovation event. Owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)TM, formerly the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)?, CES 2016, the world’s gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies, runs through Saturday, January 9, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
  Gary Shapiro, president and CEO, Consumer Technology Association (CTA)TM , officially opened CES 2016 on the keynote stage following a musical performance by Lexie Hayden, winner of the CES Music Contest. Shapiro welcomed a standing-room only audience to the world’s global stage for innovation and highlighted the many ways technology is changing the world and solving some of the planet’s most complex problems through revolutionary products and services such as drone delivery, automated driving, the sharing economy, 3D printing and more. He shared his vision of a connected world that is changing rapidly as “billions of intelligent products and services are now woven into the daily fabric of our lives,” connecting each of us to these products and services, but more importantly, to each other. Shapiro continued,“I see a world with connected devices that are constantly learning and discovering new ways of doing everything; improving the way we live.”
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展会项目经理需要具备以下三种能力:  团队领导能力  会展项目经理首先必须是一个合格的团队领导者,他所肩负的责任就是领导他的团队准时、优质地完成全部工作,在不超出预算的情况下实现项目目标。这就需要会展项目经理具备良好的信誉,使项目团队成员觉得他是一个有诚信、有效率、有能力项目经理;他必须具有灵活的人际关系,善于在各团队成员之间和公司各支持部门之间进行协调;有广泛的经营常识(不要精通,但要全面),知