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商标既是经营者生产产品或提供服务的质量象征,又是经营者独特个性、文化品位、商业信誉等因素的综合载体,是为经营者创造财富的无形资产。作为企业知识产权保护的重要组成部分,商标战略能有效地保护、利用企业的智力资产,使其服务于企业的发展。实施商标战略有利于树立产品和服务的良好声誉和信誉,提高产品和服务的附加 Trademarks are not only the quality symbol of the operators in producing products or providing services, but also the comprehensive carriers of the unique personality, cultural taste and business prestige of the operators and other intangible assets that create wealth for the operators. As an important part of corporate intellectual property protection, the trademark strategy can effectively protect and utilize the intellectual assets of enterprises and make them serve the development of enterprises. Implementing a trademark strategy is conducive to establishing a good reputation and credibility of products and services and enhancing the addition of products and services
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1919年12月9日,聂荣臻和同伴们乘法国邮轮“司芬克司号”,从上海杨树浦码头启程,前往法国。1920年1月14日抵达马赛港。聂荣臻被分到蒙塔尔纪中学学习法文。在这里,他认识了蔡和森、蔡畅、向警予、陈毅等人。当年秋,进了胡乃尔中学。这年年底,积蓄将尽,他便去工厂做工,挣了钱再学习。  1921年,聂荣臻的生活出现了大的转折,现实斗争使他毅然投入到3次学生运动中去。  半年多时间里,聂荣臻参加了3次