“宦囊”,俗称做官的腰包,准确一点说,就是官员的个人财产。官员们虽同朝称臣,弹冠相庆,但官与官之间宦囊之大小、鼓瘪,是大有区别且大见风节的。剖析一二,也可见官风百态。 若论古人宦囊之鼓,莫过于和珅。他被抄家时,家产约值白银8亿两,相当于当时清政府5年的财政收入。而宦囊之瘪,则非海瑞莫属。海瑞死后,官府“检点其宦囊”,仅找到“竹笼中俸金8两,葛布一端,旧衣数件而已”。若论今人宦囊
“Huancai”, commonly known as the official pockets, to be more accurate, is the officer’s personal property. Although officials are commanding officials and playing the leading role, the officials and officials are greatly different in size and big in style. An analysis of January 2, we can see that the official style. If the ancients on the drum, than the 珅. When he was copied, his property was worth about 800 million taels, equivalent to five years of government revenue of the Qing government. The undecided, non-Hai Ruimo Mo. After the death of Herui, the government “check its official sac”, only to find “bamboo cage pension two two, one end of Ge cloth, old clothes only a few pieces.” If people today Huanbaguan