Analysis and maintenance: boot screen full of red grating, check the red gun as the tube V505 base, the emitter voltage is normal, but the collector voltage is 90V, significantly lower. There are two character excitation tubes in the local video board. After the red character is turned off, the normal black and white grating is activated. The voltage of the B pole is 0.5V along the line and the voltage of the N601 (M50436-560SP) pin (47) 0.01V for normal. V302’s bc junction and a ceramic capacitor C344, open the capacitor check and found leakage (positive and negative resistance are 12kΩ). In this way, this capacitor has become a V302 bias resistor, V302 saturated turn-on, the red gun cathode voltage drop, resulting in full screen red grating, replace the C344 (39PF), troubleshooting.