自从鬼子发明的电脑打入国门,汉奸们就开始骚动了。这东西好用,及至中国人知道还有个网络,还有可爱的“伊妹儿”,就更是欣喜若狂了。大家一起欢呼网络万岁!比尔·盖茨万岁!英特尔万岁!并高高兴兴地把腰包掏空,买了这个买那个,买了今天买明天——286来了,我们掏钱;386来了,我们掏钱;486来了,我们掏钱;Pentium来了,我们掏钱;PentiumⅢ来了,我们还是掏钱。我们的钱包的细软有个毛病,据说啥东西贵,哈东西就能让它呼之欲出,因为那样可以显得自己特贵族!特酷! 且慢,自从亚洲经济危机以来,大家有些心疼了,钱没那么好挣了。虽然电信局宣布电信资费下调、电话初装费下调、网络费下调,还有不少商家推出免费Modem、免费PC之类,可是效果并没有能成几何级数增加,大家都
Since the invention of the devil computer into the country, the traitors began to commotion. This thing easy to use, until the Chinese people know there is a network, as well as cute “Yi Meier” is even more ecstatic. Long live the network with all of you! Long live Bill Gates! Long live the Intel! And happily emptied pockets, bought this to buy that, bought today to buy tomorrow - 286 came, we pay; 386 came, We pay; 486 came, we pay; Pentium came, we pay; Pentium Ⅲ came, we still pay. Our wallet is soft and has a problem, it is said that something is expensive, something can make it ready to come out, because it can look like its own special kind! Turquoise! And slow, since the Asian economic crisis, we feel a bit distressed, not so good earned money It’s Although the bureau announced the telecom tariff reduction, telephone initial installation fee cut, network fees cut, there are many businesses to launch free Modem, free PC and the like, but the effect has not been able to increase the geometric progression, we all