有关专家日前在圣地亚哥召开的国际妇产科联合会大会上建议,妇女在两次生育之间最好隔上3年或更长时间,因为这样可使婴儿死亡率减少24%和使5岁以下儿童的死亡率减少35%。 在大会上,人口统计学家谢伊·鲁茨坦博士分析了亚洲、拉美和非洲15个发展中国家的人口统计和健康调查(DHS)数据。鲁茨坦博士发现,在3年生育间隔期后出生的孩子会更健康,孩子发育迟缓和体重不够的可能性会大幅
Experts at the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in San Diego recently suggested that women should be separated by three years or more between births as this would reduce the infant mortality rate by 24% Child mortality is reduced by 35%. At the conference, demographer Sheikh Lusitan analyzed demographic and health survey (DHS) data from 15 developing countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Dr. Lutzstan found that children born after the 3-year birth interval are healthier, and their child’s chances of being stunted and underweight are significant