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王凤才教授新著《重新发现马克思——柏林墙倒塌后德国马克思主义发展趋向》一书(人民出版社2015年版),是作者在国家社会科学基金项目基础上加工完成的,它是全国唯一一部入选2014年度《国家哲学社会科学成果文库》的马克思主义理论著作。该书以“柏林墙倒塌后德国马克思主义发展趋向”为研究对象,立足于最新的第一手德文资料,开辟了中国学界关于德国马克思主义最新发展研究的新领域。该书不仅对柏林墙倒塌后的马克思主义发展有系统的描述,而且进行了深刻的批判性反思,具有很强的前沿性和广阔的学术视野,填补了国内学界关于德语国家马克思主义研究的空白。作为国内学界第一部最详尽、最系统地阐发德国马克思主义最新发展的力作,尤其是作者在研究过程中凝炼出的德国马克思主义研究的“十个问题”、“四个特点”、“四条路向”以及对存在的问题和启示意义的深刻反思,不仅有助于拓展与深化国内马克思主义理论研究,而且对于国外马克思主义学科、马克思主义发展史学科、马克思主义哲学学科的建设和发展都将起到重要的推动作用,并且对于“马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化”也有重要的启发和借鉴意义。 Professor Wang Fengcai’s new book, “Rediscovering the Development Trend of German Marxism after the Fall of the Berlin Wall” (People’s Publishing House, 2015 edition), was completed by the author on the basis of the National Social Science Fund Project and is the only one in the country Ministry of selected 2014 annual “National Philosophy and Social Science Library” theory of Marxism. The book takes “the development trend of German Marxism after the fall of the Berlin Wall” as the research object and based on the latest first-hand German information, opens up a new field in Chinese academia about the latest development of German Marxism. The book not only provides a systematic description of the development of Marxism after the fall of the Berlin Wall, but also conducts a profound critical reflection on it. It has a strong frontier and broad academic perspective and fills the blank of the domestic academic study on Marxism in German-speaking countries . As the most detailed and systematic study of the latest development of German Marxism in the domestic academic field, especially the four characteristics of “ten questions” and “four” in German Marxism research condensed by the author in the course of research “And ” four directions “and deep reflection on the existing problems and enlightenment significance, not only help to expand and deepen the domestic Marxist theoretical research, but also for foreign Marxism disciplines, Marxist history of development disciplines, Marxist philosophy The construction and development of disciplines will play an important role in promoting and also have important inspiration and reference significance for the ”sinicization, modernization and popularization of Marxism."