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党的十八大第一次历史性地把“开展全民阅读活动”作为扎实推进社会主义文化强国建设的重要举措,做出了部署。在大力推广全民阅读的今天,我们应以怎样的理念和做法去读书,在阅读方式不断丰富的今天我们又应有什么样的素养和境界。通过对我国现代著名文学家孙犁的读书方法和境界进行剖析,告诉当代青年应具备一种崇尚读书的精神和努力读书,扎根民族文化的境界。 For the first time in the history of the 18th CPC National Congress, we have made “an all-people reading activity” an important measure for solidly promoting the building of a socialist country with a strong cultural foundation and made arrangements for it. Today, when we vigorously promote reading for all people, we should study by what kind of concepts and practices, and what kind of accomplishments and realms should we have today in an increasingly enriched way of reading. Through the analysis of the method and state of reading of Sun Li, a famous modern Chinese writer, I tell contemporary youth that they should have a spirit of advocating reading and work hard to study and take root in the realm of national culture.