干巴菌(Thelephora ganbajun Zang)又名干巴革菌,是一种狭域性分布的可食高等真菌。为了引种驯化和筛选云南松(Pinus yunnan-ensis)菌根育苗的优良菌株,我们对该菌与云南松的生态关系作了调查,现将结果报道如下。一、调查方法在野外生长的干巴菌子实体基部外侧5—10厘米处作土壤纵剖面(深度50厘米),采用Zak B.(1964)判别菌根的方法收集根样。用清水浸泡洗净根样后,在高倍显微镜下进行挑选,并将所挑出的根样作横切和纵切,切片用锇酸固定处理,经脱水和临界点干燥后镀膜喷金,放于扫描电镜下观察。
Thelephora ganbajun Zang, also known as dry bacterium, is a kind of edible higher fungi distributed in a narrow area. In order to introduce domestication and screening of excellent strains of Pinus yunnan-ensis mycorrhizal breeding, we investigated the ecological relationship between this strain and Pinus yunnanensis. The results are reported as follows. First, the survey method In the field of growth of dry Basidiomycetes fruiting body lateral 5-10 cm at the longitudinal profile of the soil (depth 50 cm), using Zak B. (1964) to determine the mycorrhizal root samples were collected. After soaking in clean water, the root samples are selected under a high magnification microscope, and the root samples are selected for crosscutting and slitting. The slices are fixed with osmium tetroxide, and sprayed on the coating after dehydration and drying at the critical point Observed under a scanning electron microscope.