长脊冠网蝽Stephanitis(steptan-ttis)svensoni Drake,属网蝽科冠网蝽属,在我省各地都有分布,主要寄主为檫树,以前尚无人作过专题研究。据文献记载,广东、福建亦有分布,为害八角属植物。长脊冠网蝽的若虫和成虫均可为害,吸取叶片汁液,使叶子退绿,呈密集的灰白色或黄白色斑点,严重时叶片焦黄,早落。1978年我们曾调查会同县苗圃一片檫树,受害株率100%,8月份叶就落光,比正常檫树早落两个月,对树木生长影响极大。本来十月小阳春,树木生长还有一个
Stephanitis (steptan-ttis) svensoni Drake is a stink bug belonging to the family Pedicularis, which is distributed throughout the province. The main host is the prunus mongolica, and no one has done any special studies before. According to the literature, Guangdong and Fujian also have distributions, which are responsible for the Discontinental Plant. Long ridge crown bug bugs nymphs and adults can harm, draw the leaf juice, the leaves back to green, dense gray or yellowish white spots, severe leaves when the yellow, early fall. In 1978, we surveyed the same nursery in the same county, a tree, suffering from plant damage rate of 100%, in August the leaves fell to light, two months earlier than the normal plantation trees, tree growth has a great impact. Had a small spring in October, there is another tree growth