文中报道1例65岁男性因十二指肠球部溃疡给予泮托拉唑注射剂80 mg加入5%葡萄糖注射液250 mL静脉滴注,在滴入液体约100 mL,25 min时出现过敏性休克,对泮托拉唑致过敏性休克的机制、处理措施以及国内外相关报道进行了总结。
It was reported in this paper that a 65-year-old man was given intravenous infusion of 80 mg of pantoprazole 80 mg in 5% dextrose injection due to duodenal ulcer. Anaphylactic shock occurred when the liquid was dripped at about 100 mL for 25 min , The mechanism of Pantoprazole-induced anaphylactic shock, treatment measures and related reports at home and abroad were summarized.