集装箱化生产的GrosMiche(AAA)和Bluggoe(ABB)香蕉栽培品种,作为指示植物被接种真菌,用来测定香蕉萎蔫病菌(Fusariumoxysporumf.cubense)的小种Ⅰ和小种Ⅱ的发生情况;这些小种是从亚洲、澳洲和拉丁美洲的尖叶蕉(Musa acuminata)和尖叶蕉与长梗蕉(Musabalbisiana)的杂交种植株上分离培养而获得的.牙买加和尼加拉瓜的两个ABB香蕉品种和菲律宾的Latunda(ABB)品种的病菌分离培养得到的是小种Ⅱ,其他品种分离培养出来的都是小种Ⅰ.在香蕉种植园,对57种香蕉品种或杂交品种的成年植株进行接种试验,记录了AA,AAA,AAB,ABB和BB品种之间对香蕉萎蔫病小种Ⅰ的不同感病程度和抗病程度.一些通常被认为抗病的香蕉品种,偶尔也对萎蔫病表现感病,我们对此也进行了讨论.从理论上得到进一步证实,不利的生长条件或接种物过分集中,可能导致在当地生长条件下高度抗病的品种,在其他环境中变成感病品种.
Container-produced GrosMiche (AAA) and Bluggoe (ABB) banana cultivars were used as indicator plants for inoculation of fungi to determine the occurrence of race I and race II of Fusarium oxysporum f. Is isolated from hybrid plants of Musa acuminata and Tipharm and Musabalbisiana in Asia, Australia and Latin America. Isolation and cultivation of two ABB banana varieties from Jamaica and Nicaragua and Latunda (ABB) from the Philippines resulted in the isolation and culture of races from other races. In banana plantations, 57 adult banana varieties or hybrids were inoculated to test the susceptibility and disease resistance of banana wilt races Ⅰ among AA, AAA, AAB, ABB and BB breeds . Some banana varieties, which are often considered disease resistant, occasionally show signs of wilting disease, as we discussed. It is further theoretically confirmed that unfavorable growth conditions or overconcentration of inoculum may lead to highly resistant varieties under local growing conditions and become susceptible varieties in other environments.