Embrace transformation with tightened industry communication

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  The 36th IELA Congress as part of the IELA BACK TO BUSINESS programme and took place online from June 29th to July 1st 2021, with 348 registered delegates from 48 countries. What were the highlights of the Congress? How will the exhibition logistic section evolve to embrace the future of the industry in the New Normal?What is the unique charm of the exhibition industry?…The reporter interviews Guido Fornelli, IELA Chairperson recently.
  Strengthen industry communication with all elements
  As the most prominent industry gathering for the global exhibition logistic sector, this year’s IELA Congress was themed “A Beginner’s Mind”. As Guido Fornelli, IELA Chairperson explains, A Beginner’s Mind is necessary to face the NEW NOW and we have to adapt and be more efficient. The Congress looked at new and disruptive actions to reshape our future, and accompanied all IELA members in building new outlooks & new paths to re-invent themselves.
  To facilitate industry communication to the greatest level, the congress encouraged free movement between flows with panel discussions, keynote speakers, live sessions and breakout rooms and regional key industry stakeholders. Regarding the feeling on attending the online exchange platform, Guido Fornelli remarks, “I am a strong supporter of person-to-person events but I am very happy with our digital event. Our congress remains the strongest business platform for the exhibition logistics industry. It makes us particularly proud to present the work we have been doing over many years in building bridges with all industry players.”
  Strong growth accompanied by the Chinese exhibition industry
  IELA’s presence in the Chinese market is not new. Concerning the rapid development and recovery of the Chinese exhibition industry, Guido Fornelli observes that China no doubt was and is the fastest growing exhibitions market globally. “For me, it’s always quite impressive to look at the number of SQM available in the main Chinese venues compared to the those available in 1988 when I started working in the industry. ” He tells the reporter. He thinks that the rapid bounce after the pandemic is the result of quick development of efficient sanitary protocols, the dynamism of Chinese organisers as well as the Macro trend of the economy. Of importance is how the domestic Chinese market assumes a lead role in recent years.
  The rapid development of the Chinese exhibition industry is also reflected in the IELA footprints. As Guido Fornelli introduces, IELA has the highest number of members, namely 12 companies, in China. In 2018 IELA launched the regional event IELA CONNECT to build bridges between IELA members, organisers, venues, associations and press. The first IELA CONNECT took place in Shanghai on October 15th 2018 with Evan Li from UFI China Office, Xianjin Chen from the Shanghai Convention& Exhibition Industries Association, and other industry players & including the presentation of the IELA Security Guidelines. Numerous activities have since then been organised with industry partners from China, for instance, the ASIA PACIFIC Talk during IELA RELOAD featuring key stakeholders who also participated in the CONNECTED MIND ASIA session during the 2021 Online Congress.   “We are now looking at the development of the IELA AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME, with the participation of 3 IELA Ambassadors in China to promote our image.” Guido Fornelli adds.

  Talent cultivation leads us into the future
  To meet evolving industry needs, IELA has always holding talent training in high priority and has many good practices to share. Guido Fornelli says, IELA has been actively boosting talent cultivation since 2002 with the IELA Winter Seminar, the biennial member’s only education and networking event for young professionals and industry newcomers. Under the slogan BUILDING THE FUTURE, the focus was on training for day-to-day operations of exhibition freight forwarders and on-site agents.
  “The future of exhibition logistics depends on well-trained teams.” He points out. In 2016 IELA reinforced its focus on talent, creating the IELA OPERATIONS SUMMIT. This dedicated forum offers valuable perspectives on improving operational efficiencies, enhancing service standards, optimising worldwide relationships and increasing the bottom line. More recently, IELA launched the POWER UP Campaign to support and encourage Women’s Leadership in the exhibition & event logistics industry.
  Meet future challenges with new e-tools
  Concerning new trends in the industry, Guido Fornelli points out that IELA has been focusing on the transformation of the industry and technologies since its 2018 Congress, when an interactive, solution-based approach were used to help the members understand the challenges and benefits of digital technologies like Automated Logistics, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Data Analytics and Internet of things.
  “A safer, more efficient and sustainable on-site environment and the creation of new events will be possible through new digital applications in the industry. I’m convinced that a range of new e-tools will dramatically change logistics activity and more in general onsite operations in the years to come thanks also to AI and IoT.” He says.
  As an exhibition veteran, Guido Fornell remains passionate about his job. He says, he still really loves the chance that this industry gave him to travel and meet people from different regions in the world, experiencing different cultures from different economic sectors. He enjoys looking into the logistics needs of varied industries regarding the planning of participations at a new event. Personally, he try to leave at least one day per week totally dedicated to his passions: reading, running and enjoying good food and wine with friends. “This gives me the energy to start the new week on a positive note.” He says.
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记者:许多人都重视英语阅读、写作方面的训练,却忽略了听力。请问该如何培养学生用英语思维来提高听力能力?  赵翠竹:因为传统的教学方式使中国许多学生都很重视英语的阅读和写作,也养成了学英语就是读英语和写英语的习惯。往往忽视了听力能力的培训,使听力成为英语学习中的薄弱环节。大多数考生几乎没有对英语听力进行过任何系统的培训,往往不知道主要的听力问题是什么,只是简单地认为听不懂英语,是因为自己词汇量少。所
有人说“赴德留学如同沙里淘金”,这样的一个形象的比喻反映了德国留学的一大特色。每年我国都有大量的学生申请德国留学,怎样才能修得真经,不被淘汰掉?北京龙马企业家服务公司的许婕经理告诉了我们的“淘金者”的必经之路。    德国经济发达,是世界上最重要的工业大国和贸易大国。首都柏林,人口330万。重要城市有慕尼黑,法兰克福、汉堡等,其中慕尼黑为重要的汽车厂BMW所在地,法兰克福为重要的金融中心,汉堡是海
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Shen Chunlian, Vice President of Sales of MIE EVENTS DMCC?(“MIE Groups”), observes that the UAE has taken the epidemic prevention and control as a longstanding measure, and the government has made it
出国人员办理公证是根据其前往国家的法律和国际惯例所要求。一般来讲,在国内所取得的户籍证明、学历证明、职称证明等具有法律意义的证件,在本国具有法律效力,但在境外、取得所在国法律认可,则需要本国公证机关的公证证明。随着出国人员越来越多,办理涉外公证也成为他们不得不了解的内容。    涉外公证是指公证机关为发生在国内的法律行为及国内的有法律意义的文件和事实向国外出具公证文书或外交、领事机关为发生在国外的
上期我们介绍的留学计划是必须体现留学目的的真实性,本期介绍的经济担保也必须是家庭真正所具备的经济能力用以供孩子赴澳留学。所有以下提交的材料都必须是真实的、可核实的,不然将导致签证拒签。因为提供非真实材料导致的拒签,不仅将耽误孩子的学业,也会为以后的申请带来不利影响。    澳洲留学成为越来越多有经济能力的家庭为孩子的未来做出的智力投资。上期我们向读者介绍了留学申请至关重要的因素之一:留学计划。具备
到德国留学,第一要适应的是跟我们不同教学形式,第二恐怕要适应的是更不相同的饮食方式,想想我们北方的粉丝、豆腐、大白菜,只有干咽口水的份儿,有的人居然想到东北的酸菜,那就更是妄想了。同学说,那我就想几粒瓜子总可以了吧。不得已,还是换个德国胃吧,发现不久就增肥了好几磅了。    除了上学,日常生活中,大家最关心的恐怕就是吃了。德国人的饮食习惯和中国人是有很大差异的,初到德国的中国留学生大多都不大适应,
近两三年,出国读高中和大学预科的学生越来越多了。有人说中学生出国很容易,只要家里经济条件好就没什么问题了;也有人说中学生出国不容易,主要是面试这一关不好过,一来中学生年纪小,没有什么生活经验,面对签证官会紧张。  本文介绍的两位女中学生在面试时的表现比较有代表性,她们都是去英国留学,先读语言,再上A-level和大学。第一位女学生小陈顺利渡过面试关。第二位小张尽管在面试前做了一些准备,却犯了一个错