为适应桥梁及建筑对减振橡胶大型化和高性能化的需要 ,加快减振橡胶新产品开发速度 ,日本东洋橡胶公司最近购买了一台大型双轴高速减振橡胶试验机 ,该设备及厂房总投资 5亿日元。据称该机是目前世界上最大、试验速度最快的机型。其特点是 :①垂直压缩力 2 6MN( 2 65 0t) ;②水
In order to meet the needs of bridges and buildings for large-scale and high-performance vibration-damping rubber and speed up the development of new products for vibration-damping rubber, Toyo Rubber Japan recently purchased a large-scale two-axis high-speed vibration-damping rubber testing machine. A total investment of 500 million yen. Allegedly the aircraft is the world’s largest, the fastest model test. Its features are: ① vertical compression force 2 6MN (2 65 0t); ② water