The Influence of Element Diffusion at the Sediment-Water Interface on the Basic Chemical Composition

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hxm020101
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Little work has been done on the influence of sediments on the basic chemical composition of overlying water mass. This paper deals with the vertical profile of the basic constituents such as Ca2 +, K +, Na+, and HCO3, as well as of pH in the overlying water mass and sediment porewater of Lake Lugu-a semi-closed, deep lake in Yunnan Province. The results revealed that those basic constituents may diffuse and transport from bottom sediments to overlying water mass through porewater. In the paper are also quantitatively evaluated the diffusive fluxes and the extent of their influence on overlying water mass, indicating that the lake sediment-water interface diffusion plays an important role in controling the basic chemical composition of water in the whole lake. Little work has been done on the influence of sediments on the basic chemical composition of overlying water mass. This paper deals with the vertical profile of the basic constituents such as Ca2 +, K +, Na +, and HCO3, as well as of pH in the overlying water mass and sediment porewater of Lake Lugu-a semi-closed, deep lake in Yunnan Province. The results revealed that those basic constituents may diffuse and transport from bottom sediments to overlying water mass through porewater. In the paper are also quantitatively evaluated the diffusive fluxes and the extent of their influence on overlying water mass, indicating that the lake sediment-water interface diffusion plays an important role in controling the basic chemical composition of water in the whole lake.
第六届全运会在1987年的广州举行,从11月20日到12月5日,历时25天,为全国人民奉献了一次体育盛宴。  上世纪八十年代,改革开放正在如火如荼地进行,而彼时的广东,又是改革开放的前沿阵地,这一届全运会,便也有了很多开拓性的创举。  国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇应邀出席了开幕式。时任国务院副总理万里任主席团主席,并致开幕词。一共有37个代表团12400名运动员参赛。本届运动会有10人2队17次破15项
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