1999年春天,我从一株银杏树基部截下一根长度为60cm 左右的枝条(1998年新生枝条),用少量硫磺粉消毒,然后插在花房育苗沙床中培养,以适宜的温湿度条件,促使扦插苗迅速而健壮地生根发育。三个月后抖掉部分沙土移植盆内,加入部分培养土,浇足定根水。为了减少养分消耗,我将50cm 以下叶片全部剪掉,只留顶端二片叶作为生长点;再精心养护二个月后,用中粗铁丝将枝条弯成 S 型。植株
In the spring of 1999, I cut off a branch with a length of about 60cm (a new branch in 1998) from the base of a ginkgo tree, disinfected it with a small amount of sulfur powder, and then inserted it into a nursery nursery bed to cultivate it with appropriate temperature and humidity conditions , Promote the rapid and vigorous cutting seedlings rooting. After three months, shake off part of the sand transplant basin, add some culture soil, pour enough to root water. In order to reduce nutrient consumption, I will be cut off all the leaves below 50cm, leaving only the top two leaves as a growing point; and then carefully conservation of two months later, with thick wire will be bent into S-type branches. Plant