
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cj258399542
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Purpose: To describe the ocular findings and clinical characteristics of two sisters having anterior megalophthalmos with megalocornea and pigmentary glaucoma. Material and methods: Acomplete ophthalmological examinationwas performed. Results: Megalocornea and transillumination defects of the irides were observed associated with deep anterior chambers in both cases. In these cases, a diagnosis of anterior megalophthalmos with pigmentary glaucoma was made. Conclusion: Anterior megalophthalmos is a rare hereditary condition. The ophthalmologist should be made aware of the many ocular findings that may be associated with megalophthalmos. Results: To describe the ocular findings and clinical characteristics of two sisters having anterior megalophthalmos with megalocornea and pigmentary glaucoma. Material and methods: A complete ophthalmological examination performed. Results: Megalocornea and transillumination defects of the irides were observed associated with deep anterior chambers in both cases . In these cases, a diagnosis of anterior megalophthalmos with pigmentary glaucoma was made. Conclusion: Anterior megalophthalmos is a rare hereditary condition. The ophthalmologist should be made aware of the many ocular findings that may be associated with megalophthalmos.
余姚县三七市公社东茅山大队竹山专业户陈康飞所经营的1.55亩自留毛竹笋用山,通过精心培育,今年3月22日至5月17日,共挖笋5063斤(平均每亩产笋3266斤),产值 Yuyao County, M
蒋光慈,安徽霍邱人,1901年生于贫寒人家,上世纪30年代光载史册的无产阶级文学家。    王书英是蒋光慈家乡邻村的一个女孩,比蒋光慈小几岁,没有上学读过书。她的父亲为人霸道,极端守旧,特别重男轻女。  王家是一乡首富,土地多,宅院门楼也高大,当地人把王家称为“王家老楼”。王书英的生母死去不久,她的父亲娶下一个刁蛮的女子,做了王书英的后娘,王书英的日子不好过了。  蒋光慈是贫寒人家,祖父是轿夫,父
本文在考虑油藏内流体影响的基础上,进一步讨论了裂缝诱导各向异性的极化角和方位角的影响,对裂缝诱导TTI(tilted transverse isotropy)双孔隙介质模型进行了研究.在裂缝诱导
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Aims: To devise and test strategies for improving Heidelberg retina tomograph (HRT andHRT-II) rim area (RA) repeatability and assess the benefit of the strategi
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