Patients, females, 37 years old, had a hearing loss on the right ear with no obvious predisposition 10 years ago, and then a hearing loss on the left ear. 6 months ago headache, dizziness, paroxysmal attack, not with nausea. Vomiting, confusion and shortness of breath, fever and other symptoms of chills. Head CT scan a week ago showed: multiple intracranial lesions. No history of meningioma or neurofibromatosis in the patient’s family. Generally good, poor ears, right ear hearing loss. The cranial MRI showed that the long T1 and long T2 signals of different sizes can be seen in the cerebellopontine angle area on both sides. The right cerebellar, temporal lobe, occipital lobe and the cerebrum falx area showed sporadic distribution, T2 signal shadow. After injecting Gd-DTPA, the distribution of cerebellopontine angle, perioccipital cistern, occipital cistern, cerebral vein, cerebral falx area and right cerebellum, temporal lobe, occipital lobe,