
来源 :戏剧艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YT479102771
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六·五战争的早晨,大部分文化机构,特别是官方机构的经理和主席们都很激动,都以传统的热忱来肯定其机构的存在。发生国家大事时,官方机构必须到位。六·五战争对于他们来说,仅仅是许多国家大事中的一件而已!某一官方剧院邀请观众观看剧作家、诗人阿卜杜·迦尼的戏剧《灵魂私语》。在开幕式之夜,话剧上演,按照惯例邀请了官方人士和政要,还邀请了一些难民和三等公民。而对后者的邀请通常会掩盖当前局势的模糊的表面和其内在的真相。正如我国的情况,这部戏的导演同时也是剧院的经理和导演,我可以补充说他还是演员和责任人,他 In the morning of the June 5 war, most cultural institutions, especially the managers and chairmen of official agencies, were very excited. They all used traditional enthusiasm to confirm the existence of their institutions. In the event of a national event, the official body must be in place. The June 5 war was just one of many national events for them! An official theater invited the audience to watch the drama Whispers of the playwright and poet Abdul Ghani. In the opening night, the drama staged, in accordance with the usual practice of inviting officials and politicians, but also invited some refugees and third-class citizens. The invitation to the latter will usually mask the vague surface of the current situation and its inherent truth. As my country’s situation, the director of this movie is also the theater’s manager and director, I can add that he is still the actor and the responsible person, he
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