在多年的教学实践中,我发现教师把握住作文的本质,遵循着“说”、“读”、“写”三者结合的原则,并勇于“下水”示范,加强批改,这样提高小学作文教学效率,教师是可以有所作为的。一、把握本质,展现童真童趣作文是人们进行情感、信息交流与传递的重要途径, 它是一种内在的心理要求,这种要求会使人产生“骨鲠在喉,不吐不快”的欲望。而目前的作文教学,成了教师对学生的一种强迫活动,学生又怎么会不厌恶作文呢?
After years of teaching practice, I found that teachers grasp the essence of composition, follow the principle of combining “speaking”, “reading” and “writing”, and have the courage to demonstrate “watering” and strengthen the reform so as to improve the teaching of composition in primary schools Efficiency, teachers can make a difference. First, grasp the essence, to show the childlike innocence Composition is an important way for people to carry out the exchange of emotion and information. It is an intrinsic psychological requirement. Such a request will make people have the desire of " . However, the current teaching of composition has become a compulsive activity of teachers for students. How can students dislike writing?