出生在苏格兰的英国名厨小戈登·詹姆斯·拉姆齐(Gordon James Ramsay, Jr.)未必就是人类烹饪史上最登峰造极的饮食宗师,但他绝对是电视史上最大红大紫的顶级厨神。从《地狱厨房》(Hell’s Kitchen)到《厨房噩梦》(Kitchen Nightmares),从《厨艺大师》(MasterChef)到《地狱旅馆》(Hotel Hell),他主持的真人秀每播出一部就红火一部。人们一边吐槽着戈登那出口成脏的火爆脾气,一边又对节目中琳琅满目的美味佳肴以及同样精彩的撕逼大战欲罢不能。除了擅长打造节目,戈登还是一名退役足球员、米其林大厨、厨艺畅销书作家、餐厅老板、大慈善家以及大英帝国勋章获得者。但是在所有这些光环以外,坐下来和大家畅谈生活的那个他,也不过就是学徒们的严厉师傅、妈妈的贴心儿子以及孩子们的玩伴老爸——
Alex Belfield (Host): The world’s smartest man, Gordon Ramsay. You’re big over here, you’re big in America, you’re big everywhere, you’re a cook, you’re a chef, you’re a TV star, you’re a multimillionaire, you’ve got a successful family. You’ve got everything, haven’t you?
Gordon: Very lucky, yeah, a lot of hard work has gone into it, and when you get there, of course, you’ve got to work even harder to maintain it. So, yeah, I do 1)pinch myself, but I’m not very good at stopping and looking behind me. I’m too busy moving forward.
Alex: How easy is it for you to find someone who’s as dedicated and as passionate about food as you are?
Gordon: Yeah, erm, that’s a good question. I mean, I, I search long and hard every day for talents. And then once I’ve found the talent, I nurse the talent. Once it’s nursed, then it’s exposed. Once it’s exposed, and they’re sort of 2)stripped of everything they know. And they’re, you know, against the wall and standing there, you know, insecure, feeling 3)inadequate. Then we build them again. So cooking’s all about emotions, and, you know, it is the most insecure job to have ever. You’re standing in the kitchen, you’re with a bunch of foreigners, you can’t speak their language, and, by the way, you have to take an ingredient, make it into something, charge money for it, and then be successful on that dish. It’s hard, very hard to grasp. You don’t get there by working six and a half, seven hours a day. So I can tell you who’s gonna make it and who’s not gonna make it after being with someone for half an hour.
Alex: As soon as that.
Gordon: As soon as that, yeah. In terms of their touches, their insight, the way they 4)season things, the way they hold things, the way they feel about that particular ingredient. And I like to see them go on that journey I went on.
Alex: Can you remember the first moment where you became interested in food?
Gordon: I can, really. We were in Daventry and we’re travelling up on the 5)M6 up to Port Glasgow to go see our Gran. And Mom had made some bread and butter pudding. Because we were running late, we had to take it in the car, so I just remember I sat with this tray of bread and butter pudding, and that’s when I started to really seriously enjoy what the comfort of her 6)rustic home cooking was all about. Alex: People didn’t particularly like you, although they watch you. Now they really do have great passion for you, probably, I think, because of seeing you with your kids. They mean so much to you. How often do you get to see them these days?
Gordon: They mean so much to me, and that’s my foundation in life. My relationship with them is the absolute opposite to, er, my relationship with my father. Jack and I are best mates, and, you know, 7)as far as the girls are concerned, I’m their boyfriend. So they’re gonna marry me when they grow up—you know, I tease them.
So we keep it real. They had a dollar pocket money each and every day, and I want them to grow up with that level of respect that it may only be 8)50 pence, but it’s a dollar, it’s paper, it’s money, respect it. If you want to buy something that’s going to cost you eight dollars, then you wait eight days to buy that. You’re not getting an advance from me. I’m over-firm on my children because I’m in danger of spoiling them, so I, you know, give…unknown to them, 9)Tan and I give away 90% of their Christmas presents they don’t even know they’ve had. And then they get one present every year. They don’t sit and waste time on an 10)Xbox, because that’s unhealthy for kids to sit there and get addicted to a screen and get lazy. I like to think that they stay really real. Jack goes to football. When I’m not at football with him on Saturday morning, I get fined. The girls got to gymnast every Saturday afternoon, and they swim twice a week. So, you know, I’m over-firm, but it’s all for the right reason.
Alex Belfield (Host): The world’s smartest man, Gordon Ramsay. You’re big over here, you’re big in America, you’re big everywhere, you’re a cook, you’re a chef, you’re a TV star, you’re a multimillionaire, you’ve got a successful family. You’ve got everything, haven’t you?
Gordon: Very lucky, yeah, a lot of hard work has gone into it, and when you get there, of course, you’ve got to work even harder to maintain it. So, yeah, I do 1)pinch myself, but I’m not very good at stopping and looking behind me. I’m too busy moving forward.
Alex: How easy is it for you to find someone who’s as dedicated and as passionate about food as you are?
Gordon: Yeah, erm, that’s a good question. I mean, I, I search long and hard every day for talents. And then once I’ve found the talent, I nurse the talent. Once it’s nursed, then it’s exposed. Once it’s exposed, and they’re sort of 2)stripped of everything they know. And they’re, you know, against the wall and standing there, you know, insecure, feeling 3)inadequate. Then we build them again. So cooking’s all about emotions, and, you know, it is the most insecure job to have ever. You’re standing in the kitchen, you’re with a bunch of foreigners, you can’t speak their language, and, by the way, you have to take an ingredient, make it into something, charge money for it, and then be successful on that dish. It’s hard, very hard to grasp. You don’t get there by working six and a half, seven hours a day. So I can tell you who’s gonna make it and who’s not gonna make it after being with someone for half an hour.
Alex: As soon as that.
Gordon: As soon as that, yeah. In terms of their touches, their insight, the way they 4)season things, the way they hold things, the way they feel about that particular ingredient. And I like to see them go on that journey I went on.
Alex: Can you remember the first moment where you became interested in food?
Gordon: I can, really. We were in Daventry and we’re travelling up on the 5)M6 up to Port Glasgow to go see our Gran. And Mom had made some bread and butter pudding. Because we were running late, we had to take it in the car, so I just remember I sat with this tray of bread and butter pudding, and that’s when I started to really seriously enjoy what the comfort of her 6)rustic home cooking was all about. Alex: People didn’t particularly like you, although they watch you. Now they really do have great passion for you, probably, I think, because of seeing you with your kids. They mean so much to you. How often do you get to see them these days?
Gordon: They mean so much to me, and that’s my foundation in life. My relationship with them is the absolute opposite to, er, my relationship with my father. Jack and I are best mates, and, you know, 7)as far as the girls are concerned, I’m their boyfriend. So they’re gonna marry me when they grow up—you know, I tease them.
So we keep it real. They had a dollar pocket money each and every day, and I want them to grow up with that level of respect that it may only be 8)50 pence, but it’s a dollar, it’s paper, it’s money, respect it. If you want to buy something that’s going to cost you eight dollars, then you wait eight days to buy that. You’re not getting an advance from me. I’m over-firm on my children because I’m in danger of spoiling them, so I, you know, give…unknown to them, 9)Tan and I give away 90% of their Christmas presents they don’t even know they’ve had. And then they get one present every year. They don’t sit and waste time on an 10)Xbox, because that’s unhealthy for kids to sit there and get addicted to a screen and get lazy. I like to think that they stay really real. Jack goes to football. When I’m not at football with him on Saturday morning, I get fined. The girls got to gymnast every Saturday afternoon, and they swim twice a week. So, you know, I’m over-firm, but it’s all for the right reason.