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许大华,男,汉族,1965年出生于河南上蔡,1983年入伍,在武警天安门警卫大队服役。现为中国书法家协会会员、中国诗词学会会员、中国硬笔书法家协会理事、中国长城书法协会副秘书长、北京习鼎阁书画院院长。许院长的书法根植于传统,先临习颜真卿、欧阳询、赵孟兆页等诸多名家法帖,后从师京城名家李铎、田英章、卢中南等书法家,受益匪浅,学有所成。其书法主张古朴与秀美相结合,稳重与潇洒相统一。他认为学书法须勤思、勤看、勤习,专 Xu Dahua, male, Han nationality, was born in 1965 in Shangcai, Henan Province. He joined the army in 1983 and served in the armed police Tiananmen guard brigade. Now he is a member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of Chinese Poetry Society, director of China Hard Pen Calligraphers Association, deputy secretary general of China Great Wall Calligraphy Association and dean of Beijing Xi Ding Court. Mr. Xu’s calligraphy is rooted in tradition. He first learned how to practice calligraphy, such as Yan Zhenqing, Ouyangqian and Zhao Menzhao, and other calligraphers who became famous masters such as Li Duo, Tian Yingzhang and Lu Zhongnan. Its calligraphy advocate simple and beautiful combination of steady and smart unification. He believes that learning calligraphy should be diligent, diligent, diligent, specialized