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《穷人》的故事梗概如下:在彼得堡的一条背巷里,有一所污秽不堪的公寓,里面住着一个叫马卡尔·杰布西金的50岁上下的男人,他是衙门里的一名穷书记员。在离他的窗口不远的地方,住着一个叫巴尔巴拉的贫穷少女。她是杰布西金的远亲。对生活凄惨的杰布西金来说,这位少女的存在是他的一线光明,是生活的寄托。他为了体恤这位孤独的少女,常常预支工资,节衣缩食,甚至卖掉自己的衣物,把钱送给姑娘。而且一天不漏地把所发生的一切详详细细地写在书信里。巴尔巴拉对他一贫如洗 The story of the “poor” is summarized as follows: In a back alley in Petersburg, there is a filthy apartment with a 50-year-old man named Makar Jebushkin, a poor man in the Yamen Clerk. A short distance from his window, she lived in a poor girl called Barbara. She is a distant relative of Jebushkin. For the life of miserable Jebb Sikin, the girl’s presence is his bright spot, is the sustenance of life. In order to sympathize with this lonely girl, he often prearranged his wages, saved himself and even sold his own clothes, and gave the money to the girl. And in a single day, write down all the details of what has happened in the letter. Barbara impoverished him