6月11日至20日,太湖流域大雨滂沱,平均降雨量达226毫米,20多亿立方米的水涌进太湖。6月23日,太湖水位猛涨至4.28米,超过警戒水位78厘米。 还没等人们喘过气来,第二场更猛的暴雨又倾盆而至。6月28日至7月6日,太湖流域仅苏南地区就有28个县(市)降雨量超过200毫米,其中12县(市)超过300毫米,高的达到440毫米。 7月7日上午8时,太湖水位达到4.68米,超过1954
From June 11 to June 20, the Taihu Lake valley was raining with an average rainfall of 226 millimeters and over 2 billion cubic meters of water poured into Taihu Lake. June 23, Taihu Lake water level soared to 4.28 meters, more than the warning level of 78 cm. Not wait for people to breathe, the second more violent torrential rain again. From June 28 to July 6, there were 28 counties (cities) in the Taihu Lake basin in the southern Jiangsu Province where the rainfall exceeded 200 millimeters, of which 12 counties (cities) exceeded 300 millimeters and the height reached 440 millimeters. At 8:00 on July 7, Taihu Lake water level reached 4.68 meters, more than 1954