颞下颌关节紊乱综合征 (TMJDS)是口腔科的常见病和多发病。它不是单一的疾患 ,而是一种综合征 ,是一组病因尚未完全清楚的临床症状和疾病的总称 [1 ]。部分病例病程迁延 ,反复发作 ,经久不愈 ,严重影响咀嚼肌功能和语言。本病发病率很高 ,其发生、诊断和治疗所涉及的学科很多 ,
Temporomandibular disorder (TMJDS) is a common and frequently occurring disease in dentistry. It is not a single disorder, but a syndrome, a group of clinical symptoms and diseases that are not yet fully understood [1]. Some cases of persistent disease, recurrent, prolonged unhealed, seriously affecting the masticatory muscle function and language. The incidence of this disease is very high, its occurrence, diagnosis and treatment of many subjects involved,