设计将传统中小学不同区域间的水平向联系转化到垂直方向,借由采用全中央空调的难得契机, 尝试一种新的校园空间关系,营造出弥散的公共性。
全中央空调的使用意味着全天候的室内公共活动成为可能,意味着需要降低与外界的能量交换而把关注的中心移向内部,意味着鼓励更为复杂和经常性的室内交流。于是校园成为一个完整的建筑而并非聚落,进一步加强了所谓公共空间的“公共性”。在此基础上采用 “三明治”策略,将公共教室和空间夹于上下两层普通教室之间,保证在垂直方向上任何一点都可以与公共空间相邻,不同于平面分区的做法,这使在校园的所有区域都能强烈地感受到公共性的存在。
Different from the traditional horizontal layout of all the functions for a school, in this project we try to set up a vertical layout basing on the overall application of central air-conditioning, which is not common in school projects in China. This brings in a new spatial logic and creates a kind of "diffuse" publicity in the campus.
The overall application of central air-conditioning makes all-day indoor activity possible. Thus more attention should be paid to the inside of the building while energy exchange with the outside world is lessened, and more complex and constant indoor communications be encouraged. Therefore the campus becomes an integrate building instead of a cluster of buildings and therefore the publicity of the open space is emphasized. Under this circumstance, the design adopts an so-called "sandwich" strategy and divides the space into three layers- the layer of common classrooms and public space sandwiched by two layers of normal classrooms. Different from the traditional horizontal layout, this "sandwich" layout conveys a sense of intimacy between the normal classrooms and the public space in vertical ways.
Affiliated to the celebrated huizhen education group, the project aims to keep to its academic tradition. The functions of traditional academies are deconstructed and transformed. The space sequence of courtyards is preserved and reconstructed while the symmetrical layout is translated in an implicit way. An academy is a community. The space here serves communication and common life.
项目名称 江北外国语学校
项目面积 42000 m2
项目地点 浙江·宁波
竣工时间 2013年
设计单位 DC国际建筑设计事务所 设计团队 崔哲、董屹、程久军、史琳琳
Name Jiangbei Foreign Language School
Built up Area 42000 m2
Location Ningbo, China
Completion Date 2013
Architect Team Cui Zhe, Dong Yi, Cheng Jiujun, Shi Linlin
DC国际设计集团(DC Alliance)由DC国际建筑设计事务所、地东建筑(建筑甲级),以及C+D设计研究中心共同组成。自2001年落地上海发展中国业务至今,DC国际设计项目覆盖华东地区、京津地区、华中及西南地区,提供包括建筑设计、城市设计和城市更新等多领域服务,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。DC国际一直以来坚持追求建筑的可实践性、空间的公正性、文化的现代传承,兼顾商业价值与学术创新,形成鲜明独立的设计个性。2012年,DC国际被《时代建筑》评为年度设计机构,并于同年荣获中国建筑传媒奖,这是中国首个侧重建筑的社会评价、体现公民视角、实现公民参与,以“建筑的社会意义和人文关怀”为评奖标准的建筑奖,也是中国首个将两岸四地的建筑全面纳入评奖范围的建筑奖。2013年8月,DC国际被《di设计新潮》评为“年度最佳建筑设计事务所”,并于2014年获得中国建筑学会建筑创作奖,代表作品南京夫子庙改造项目荣获 “年度最佳旅游度假区”。2015年7月,DC国际荣获英国WAN亚洲设计大奖,同时摘得上海市建筑学会创作奖五项大奖 。
全中央空调的使用意味着全天候的室内公共活动成为可能,意味着需要降低与外界的能量交换而把关注的中心移向内部,意味着鼓励更为复杂和经常性的室内交流。于是校园成为一个完整的建筑而并非聚落,进一步加强了所谓公共空间的“公共性”。在此基础上采用 “三明治”策略,将公共教室和空间夹于上下两层普通教室之间,保证在垂直方向上任何一点都可以与公共空间相邻,不同于平面分区的做法,这使在校园的所有区域都能强烈地感受到公共性的存在。
Different from the traditional horizontal layout of all the functions for a school, in this project we try to set up a vertical layout basing on the overall application of central air-conditioning, which is not common in school projects in China. This brings in a new spatial logic and creates a kind of "diffuse" publicity in the campus.
The overall application of central air-conditioning makes all-day indoor activity possible. Thus more attention should be paid to the inside of the building while energy exchange with the outside world is lessened, and more complex and constant indoor communications be encouraged. Therefore the campus becomes an integrate building instead of a cluster of buildings and therefore the publicity of the open space is emphasized. Under this circumstance, the design adopts an so-called "sandwich" strategy and divides the space into three layers- the layer of common classrooms and public space sandwiched by two layers of normal classrooms. Different from the traditional horizontal layout, this "sandwich" layout conveys a sense of intimacy between the normal classrooms and the public space in vertical ways.
Affiliated to the celebrated huizhen education group, the project aims to keep to its academic tradition. The functions of traditional academies are deconstructed and transformed. The space sequence of courtyards is preserved and reconstructed while the symmetrical layout is translated in an implicit way. An academy is a community. The space here serves communication and common life.
项目名称 江北外国语学校
项目面积 42000 m2
项目地点 浙江·宁波
竣工时间 2013年
设计单位 DC国际建筑设计事务所 设计团队 崔哲、董屹、程久军、史琳琳
Name Jiangbei Foreign Language School
Built up Area 42000 m2
Location Ningbo, China
Completion Date 2013
Architect Team Cui Zhe, Dong Yi, Cheng Jiujun, Shi Linlin
DC国际设计集团(DC Alliance)由DC国际建筑设计事务所、地东建筑(建筑甲级),以及C+D设计研究中心共同组成。自2001年落地上海发展中国业务至今,DC国际设计项目覆盖华东地区、京津地区、华中及西南地区,提供包括建筑设计、城市设计和城市更新等多领域服务,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。DC国际一直以来坚持追求建筑的可实践性、空间的公正性、文化的现代传承,兼顾商业价值与学术创新,形成鲜明独立的设计个性。2012年,DC国际被《时代建筑》评为年度设计机构,并于同年荣获中国建筑传媒奖,这是中国首个侧重建筑的社会评价、体现公民视角、实现公民参与,以“建筑的社会意义和人文关怀”为评奖标准的建筑奖,也是中国首个将两岸四地的建筑全面纳入评奖范围的建筑奖。2013年8月,DC国际被《di设计新潮》评为“年度最佳建筑设计事务所”,并于2014年获得中国建筑学会建筑创作奖,代表作品南京夫子庙改造项目荣获 “年度最佳旅游度假区”。2015年7月,DC国际荣获英国WAN亚洲设计大奖,同时摘得上海市建筑学会创作奖五项大奖 。