国旗 (государственный флаг)是一个主权国家最重要的标志 (символи ка)之一。不管是在奥运颁奖仪式上 ,还是在各种外交场合中 ,只要出现白—蓝—红相间的三色国旗 ,人们便会很自然地联想到俄罗斯联邦。那么 ,俄罗斯国旗的颜色是如何确定的呢 ?这
The flag (государственный флаг) is one of the most important symbols of a sovereign country (символи ка). Whether at the Olympics award ceremony or on various diplomatic occasions, as long as the white-blue-red tri-color national flag appears, people will naturally think of the Russian Federation. So, how is the color of the Russian flag determined?