时至今日,没人会否认 Google 在搜索引擎领域的老大地位,就像当年的人们不得不承认 Nelscape 作为浏览器领袖那样。如果一切保持现状,那大家有理由相信 Google 在往后的道路上将绝尘而去。但在微软纵横的年代,发生在其他 IT 公司身上的好事必然多磨。微软俨然一台马力十足的金矿挖掘机,哪里潜藏巨大财富,微软必将庞大身躯迅速碾将过去。1998年,Netscape 在仅尝到浏览器的第一口“食鲜”后,即遭微软不惜血本的打压一直沉沦至今。现在,独领风骚搜索市场多时之后,Google 也终于感觉到和“金矿挖掘机”同时代的落寞。
No one ever deny Google’s position as a search engine, just as people of the past had to admit Nelscape as a browser leader. If everything remains the status quo, then everyone has reason to believe that Google will walk away on the road in the future. But in the age of Microsoft, the good things that happen to other IT companies must be milled. Microsoft just like a horse horsepower gold digger, where huge potential wealth, Microsoft will soon huge body to grind to the past. In 1998, Netscape only suffered the first port of the browser, “fresh”, that Microsoft has been spared no expense to the pressure has been sinking so far. Now, after a long time in the dominant search market, Google has finally felt the same loneliness as the “gold miners”.