四川省什邡市人武部在今年民兵预备役整组工作中,围绕提高“两场”能力,敢于突破旧框框,大胆探索,勇于创新,在“求变化、求发展、求质量”上狠下功夫。做到形式新、效果好。 一是变单一整组为整训结合。整组是加强民兵预备役组织建设,确保民兵工作“三落实”的关键,是民兵工作的“龙头戏”。为改变过去整组登记造个册,点验站个队,只整组不训练的做法。他们针对部分新人队基干民兵整组期间已外出经商、打工,点验不参加,人员与组织不见面,仅身人队,而思想不入队的情况,今年实行了整训结合的办法,即在整组中训
In the work of the militia reserve army this year, the Shibei Municipal People’s Armed Forces in Sichuan Province made great efforts to improve “two fields”, dare to break through the old framework, boldly explore and innovate, and make great efforts in “seeking change, seeking development and seeking quality.” Do new forms, good effect. First, change a single whole group for the whole training combination. The whole group is the key to strengthening the militia reserve organization and ensuring the “three fulfillment” of the militia work and is the “leading role” of the militia’s work. In order to change the entire group made a registration book, check the station a team, only the entire group does not practice training. They targeted some of the newcomer base militia during the entire group had gone out to do business, work, did not participate in the point, personnel and organizations do not meet, only the entire team, and thinking not to join the team, this year implemented a combination of training and reorganization, that is, the entire group Training