High-energy femtosecond Yb-doped all-fiber monolithic chirped-pulse amplifier at repetition rate of

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuzhihot9
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A high-energy femtosecond all ytterbium fiber amplifier based on a chirped-pulse amplification(CPA) technique at a repetition rate of 1 MHz seeded by a dispersion-management mode-locked picosecond broadband oscillator is studied.We find that the compressed pulse duration is dependent on the amplified energy,the pulse duration of 804 fs corresponds to the maximum amplified energy of 10.5 μJ,while the shortest pulse duration of 424 fs corresponds to the amplified energy of 6.75 μJ.The measured energy fluctuation is approximately 0.46% root mean square(RMS) over 2 h.The low-cost femtosecond fiber laser source with super-stability will be widely used in industrial micromachines,medical therapy,and scientific studies. A high-energy femtosecond all ytterbium fiber amplifier based on a chirped-pulse amplification (CPA) technique at a repetition rate of 1 MHz seeded by a dispersion-management mode-locked picosecond broadband oscillator is studied. We find that the compressed pulse duration is dependent on the amplified energy, the pulse duration of 804 fs corresponds to the maximum amplified energy of 10.5 μJ, while the shortest pulse duration of 424 fs corresponds to the amplified energy of 6.75 μJ. (RMS) over 2 h. The low-cost femtosecond fiber laser source with super-stability will be widely used in industrial micromachines, medical therapy, and scientific studies.
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[摘 要] 针对高职计算机网络技术专业教学与市场需求的差距,阐述基于OBE-DQP框架构建计算机网络技术专业规范的开发方法。在分析DQP框架的基础上, 详细讨论了基于OBE-DQP的专业规范基本内涵,并以广东岭南职业技术学院计算机网络技术专业为例,设计网络专业的预期学习成果,明确人才培养的具体目标,消除人才培养方案制定的盲目性,以提高人才培养质量。  [关 键 词] DQP;OBE;网络技术专业;