2007年的SaaS(Software as a service,软件作为服务)软件舞台上,数十家新老企业鱼贯而入。在百度搜索“SaaS”关键字,相关新闻多达3,260篇。零零总总的报道中,记者赫然看到“软件终结者”这一骇人比喻,有人称SaaS有望“颠覆传统”,有人称是中国软件企业的新一轮机会。作为一种基于互联网的软件服务商业模式,SaaS真的会颠覆传统吗?中国软件企业真的能够从中发掘金矿吗?SaaS能否象成就Salesforce.com那样,帮助中国的新创软件公司们一朝成龙?
2007 SaaS (Software as a service, software as a service) software on the stage, dozens of new and old businesses flocked to. Baidu search for “SaaS” keyword, up to 3,260 related news. In a total of zero coverage, the reporter saw the appalling metaphor of “software terminator.” Some people claim that SaaS is expected to “overturn the traditional”. Some people claim that it is a new round of opportunities for Chinese software enterprises. As an Internet-based software services business model, SaaS really subvert the tradition? Chinese software companies really can find out the gold? SaasS can be as successful as Salesforce.com, to help China’s start-up software companies a Jackie Chan?