航天工业总公司西南地区标准化协作组年会于1994年10月4~7日在成都召开。七○八所、四川省技术监督局及协作组成员单位等的22名代表出席了会议。 会上,七○八所科技委副主任刘奎同志传达了邹家华副总理在全国第三次技术监督工作会议闭幕式上的讲话,使大家了解了当前标准化的工作方针,并就企业标准化工
The annual meeting of the Southwest Regional Standardization and Cooperation Group of the China Aerospace Industry Corporation was held in Chengdu from October 4th to 7th, 1994. Seventy-eight representatives of the Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Technical Supervision and its member units attended the meeting. At the meeting, Comrade Liu Kui, deputy director of the Science and Technology Committee of the 2008 Science and Technology Commission, delivered a speech by Deputy Prime Minister Zou Jiahua at the closing ceremony of the Third National Technical Supervision Conference, which enabled everyone to understand the current working principles of standardization and on the company’s standard chemical industry.