我,是一条可怜的鱼。因为我爱恋 的是天空,可大海却是我的家。 每当黎明来临的时候,我便贴 近水面,仰望这似乎近在咫尺实则 远在天涯的天空。我最爱欣赏天空 的一个子民——云。它总是千变万 化,有时像我身上的鳞,一片一片, 布满天空,挤满了我的眼球;有时像 一条条带子,不过,比带子可好看多 了,由粗到细,由深到浅,由清晰到 朦胧;有时像一团棉花,静静地睡在 天空的怀抱里,它睡醒了,便快乐地 跑起来,一会儿就从这边飞到了那 边。夕阳西下时,它红彤彤的,深深 浅浅,总令我感到是那么的温馨。我
I am a poor fish. Because I love the sky, but the sea is my home. When dawn comes, I am close to the water, looking up to the sky that seems to be close to the horizon. I love to appreciate one of the people in the sky - the cloud. It is always ever-changing, sometimes like the scales on my body, one by one, filled with the sky, filled with my eyeballs; sometimes like a ribbon, but it’s better than the tape, from thick to thin, from deep to light , From clarity to ambiguity; sometimes like a group of cotton, quietly sleeping in the arms of the sky, it woke up, then happily ran up and flew from there to the other side. When the sun sets, it is red, deep and shallow, and it always makes me feel so warm. I