函数导数的内容在历年高考中主要集中在切线方程、导数的计算,利用导数判断函数的单调性、极值、最值等问题,以及与不等式、三角函数、数列、立体几何、解析几何等知识相联系的综合题目,常常作为压轴题出现,尤其是对函数f(x)=ln x和f(x)=e~x及这两个函数的组合最为常见。2014年理科的21题就是这样的试题:f(x)=ae~xln x+(be~(x-1))/x,把函数f(x)=ln x和f(x)=e~x揉和到一起,进行考查,要想完美解答该题,综合所有解法来看,最终关键点集中在如何把
The contents of the function derivative in the college entrance examination over the years focused on the tangential equation, the derivative of the calculation, the use of derivatives to determine monotonicity, extreme value, the most value and other issues, as well as inequalities, trigonometry, sequence, solid geometry, analytical geometry knowledge The associated generalized questions often appear as a finale, especially for the combination of the functions f (x) = ln x and f (x) = e ~ x and the two functions. In the 2014 science 21 questions are such questions as f (x) = ae ~ xln x + (be ~ (x-1)) / x, and the functions f (x) = ln x and f (x) = e ~ x Knead together, to test, in order to perfect the answer to this question, comprehensive solution to all, the final point of focus on how to put