IntroductionHyphaema commonly results from blunt oculartrauma. Most patients present with pain anddecreased vision. Many hyphaemas resolve regardlessof therapy; however, it is impossible for thepractitioner to predict which hyphaemas will clearspontaneously. Since the complications of hyphaemaare frequent and visually significant, the opthal-mologist should approach each patient conservativelyand systematically.An outline of such an approach, includingimportant diagnostic measures, therapeutic goals andmodalities, and the complications associated with thisdisorder, will be dealt by me.
Many hyphaemas resolve regardlessof therapy; however, it is impossible for the practical tool to predict which hyphaemas will clearspontaneously. Since the complications of hyphaemaare frequent and visually significant, the opthal-mologist should An outline of such an approach, including igantant diagnostic measures, therapeutic goals andmodalities, and the complications associated with thisdisorder, will be dealt by me.