用马齿苋喂鱼,鱼爱吃,易消化吸收,鱼健康生长,为此,特介绍马齿苋的栽培方法。 一、马齿苋的栽培特性 马齿苋可供人类食用,也称长寿菜,属一年生肉质草本,在我国各地都有野生,丘陵山地适宜生长,生长速度快,产量高。马齿苋性喜高湿、耐旱,适应性和生命力极强,有“晒不死”之说。发芽温度在20℃以上,最适25~30℃,植株生长的适温为20~30℃,随温度升高,生长发育加快,对土壤的要求不严格,栽培中应重点施用氮素肥料,并保证水分供给。
With purslane feeding fish, fish love to eat, easy to digest and absorb, fish healthy growth, to this end, especially introduced purslane cultivation methods. First, the cultivation characteristics of purslane Portulaca oleracea for human consumption, also known as longevity, is an annual meat quality herbs in all parts of our country have wild, hilly mountain suitable for growth, fast growth, high yield. Purslane sexual hi humid, drought-tolerant, strong adaptability and vitality, “sun does not die,” said. Germination temperature above 20 ℃, the optimum 25 ~ 30 ℃, plant growth suitable temperature is 20 ~ 30 ℃, with the temperature increase, growth and development to accelerate the development of the soil is not strict, the cultivation should focus on the application of nitrogen fertilizer, And to ensure that water supply.