1998年初,沈国放、唐国强等发言人相继卸任赴纽约、香港履新以来,中国外交部又有三张新面孔陆续出现在外交部新大楼 B 座新闻发布厅,他们是新闻司朱邦造司长、孙玉玺、章启月副司长。章启月是迄今为止中国最年轻的外交部女发言人,年仅39岁。她也是中国的第三位女外交部发言人。章启月的父亲章曙1972年7月被任命为中国常驻联合国代表团政务参赞。23年后,章启月也被擢升为中国常驻联合国代表团政务参赞。父女两代外交官,在同一个机构,先后担任同一职务,这是新中国外交史上绝无仅有的一段佳话。
In early 1998, since the spokesmen Shen Guofang and Tang Guoqiang successively departed for New York and Hong Kong assumed office, three new faces of the Chinese Foreign Ministry appeared in the press room of Building B, the new building of the Foreign Ministry. They are Director Zhu Bangzao of the Information Department, Yuxi, Zhang Qiyue, deputy director. Zhang Qiyue is by far the youngest Foreign Ministry spokeswoman for China, at the age of 39. She is also the third female Foreign Ministry spokesman in China. Zhang Qiyue’s father, Zhang Shu, was appointed as a political counselor of the Chinese delegation to the United Nations in July 1972. Twenty three years later, Zhang Qiyue was also promoted to be the political counselor of the Chinese delegation to the United Nations. Diplomats from both father and daughter have held the same post in the same institution one after another, which is an unparalleled remark in the diplomatic history of New China.