Vertellus Specialties Continues Expansion in China

来源 :China Chemical Reporter | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arsenallei
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Vertellus Specialties Inc. announced December 15th a share purchase agreement,the terms of which make it the sole owner and operator of Nantong Reilly Chemical Corporation (NRCC),Vertellus’pyridine and picoline production facility located in Nantong,Jiangsu province. Vertellus Specialties Inc. announced December 15th a share purchase agreement, the terms of which make it the sole owner and operator of Nantong Reilly Chemical Corporation (NRCC), Vertellus’pyridine and picoline production facility located in Nantong, Jiangsu province.
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【正】 China has initially selected informationnetwork,advanced manufacturing,producerservice,new energy,advanced materialsand bio-medicine as six major industr
大宅门折射出的是人生的百态和世事的变迁;折射出的是京味儿的生活和中外闻名的中医药文化。 Magnificent house reflects the changes in life and changes in the world;
【正】 In the past two years,China’s annual apparentconsumption of bisphenol A (BPA) wasbasically stable,about 500 000 tons.Consideringthe impact of the intern
【正】 New-field fine chemicals include foodadditives,feed additives,adhesives,surfactants,papermaking chemicals,electronicchemicals,leather chemicals,oilfieldc