两年前,一名年轻的女工因单位不景气下岗了。 两年后,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市出现了一家叫“爱心托老所”的个体家庭公寓式养老院,8位老人住在这里感受着融融的敬老亲惰。不再孤独、苦闷的老人们心里念叨着他们的好女儿——张春艳。 2月20日,我们来到位于齐齐哈尔市建华区的市军分区干休所大院2号楼。叩开房门,只见装饰得典雅别致、整洁明亮的房间足有100多平米。4位老人正围坐在沙发上打牌,两个
Two years ago, a young woman worker was laid off because of a recession in her unit. Two years later, in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, there appeared an individual home-style nursing home called “Loving Care for the Elderly People”. Eight elderly people lived here and enjoyed a harmonious respect and indolence. No longer lonely, depressed old people talk about their good daughter heart - Zhang Chunyan. February 20, we arrived at Jianqi District, Qiqihar City, Jun District Council dry rest compound Building 2. Knocked open the door, I saw decorated elegant chic, clean and bright room full of more than 100 square meters. Four elderly people are sitting on the couch playing cards, two