针对混炼型绝热材料耐烧蚀性能较差的问题,采用编织碳纤维作为耐烧蚀骨架,改性三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)作为基体,制备了三元乙丙基编织绝热材料。研究表明,增粘剂HY-207能够明显提高三元乙丙混炼胶的粘接强度,添加量为5%时,粘接强度提高39.25%;苯并噁嗪添加量为20%时,三元乙丙混炼胶的综合性能最好;疏水二氧化硅对三元乙丙胶液粘度影响最低,且制备的纤维编织绝热材料氧-乙炔烧蚀性能最优,氧-乙炔线烧蚀率为0.025 mm/s;三元乙丙纤维编织绝热材料与三元乙丙绝热层粘接强度为1.95 MPa。本研究能够减少发动机燃烧室消极质量,提高固体火箭发动机性能。
Aiming at the poor ablation resistance of the hybrid insulation, the braided carbon fiber was used as the erosion-resistant skeleton, and EPDM was used as the matrix to prepare EPDM braided insulation. The results showed that the tackifier HY-207 can significantly improve the bonding strength of EPDM, the bonding strength increased 39.25% when the amount of 5%, the benzoxazine content of 20%, the tris EPDM has the best overall performance. Hydrophobic silica has the lowest impact on the viscosity of EPDM, and the best oxygen-acetylene ablation performance is obtained. The ablation rate of oxyacetylene 0.025 mm / s; EPDM fiber braid insulation and EPDM insulation bonding strength of 1.95 MPa. This study can reduce the negative quality of engine combustion chamber and improve the performance of solid rocket motor.