1945年6月,我在国民党新6军第 14师司令部任少校作战科长。当 时,新6军的部队驻在湖南芷江地区整训, 军长廖耀湘选派我赴昆明美军参谋指挥学 校受训。8月15日,日本宣布接受《波茨 坦宣言》向盟国无条件投降时,廖耀湘急 电召我由昆明飞回芷江,随副军长舒适存 参加“中国陆总”前进指挥所,到南京从 事对日军的受降工作。因此,我作为“中 国陆总”的工作人员,亲历了当年日本降 使今井武夫到芷江洽降及何应钦在南京主
In June 1945, I was chief of combat at Major 14th Division of the New Guomin Army. At that time, the troops of the new 6th Corps were stationed in the rectification training in the Zhijiang area of Hunan. The commander of the commander Liao Yaoxiang sent me to Kunming for training at the American Command Staff College. On August 15, when Japan announced its unconditional surrender to the allies through Japan’s declaration of “Potsdam Declaration,” Liao Yaoxiang urgently called me to fly back to Zhijiang from Kunming and join the Commander-in-Chief Commander of the “Lu Lu” Forward Command to Nanjing Drop work on the Japanese army. Therefore, as a staff member of “China General Land,” I witnessed the decline of Japan in the same year to make Imai Takefu to JIJIANG and He Yingqin in Nanjing