The acupuncture-free Baihui acupuncture can counter the adrenaline pressure and acupuncture throat, laryngeal acupoints to counter the role of acetylcholine cholinergic decompression, have obtained preliminary results. With regard to this mechanism of resistance to blood pressure, we hypothesize that acupuncture is achieved through the regulatory function of the autonomic nerve. We have used ergotamine closed sympathetic effect of the initial evidence of acupuncture rabbit laryngeal, laryngeal points for the inhibition of acetylcholine cholinergic effect is due to the result of sympathetic excitement. In order to further study the relationship between acupuncture anti-blood pressure and autonomic nervous system, we observed the same points of acupuncture rabbits (left laryngeal hole, right laryngeal hole) adrenaline pressure on the impact, as well as cutting the neck Effect of acupuncture after vagus nerve.